Currently, California has almost 8 million people who are either elderly and/or immobile or have developmental or health disabilities. It is important that we include and consider this population in the upgraded emergency response system because this group is expected to grow significantly in the next decade. This population has unique needs and it is crucial for first responders to have this type of basic health information when they enter a crisis situation so that they may respond adequately.
AB 911, co-sponsored by AFSCME and UDW Local 3930 and authored by Assemblymember Freddie Rodriguez, will strengthen public safety policies that can better serve people with disabilities. This bill will require the Office of Emergency Services to complete a study and submit the results of the study to the Legislature and the State 9-1-1 Advisory Board Committee. This study will establish the feasibility for a Smart 9-1-1-type system, to enable individuals with disabilities and older adults to voluntarily provide personal health information that will then be available to first responders.
AFSCME believes all people have the right to emergency services that can save their lives. We have already witnessed in times of crisis how certain populations get left behind because emergency services were not able to respond adequately. Through its study, AB 911 will provide equity in emergency response systems by including vulnerable populations.
Governor Newsom signed AB 911 into law on October 9, 2019.